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Rapid Transformational Therapy, a form of hypnotherapy

2 hr
250 British pounds

Service Description

Experience a rapid transformation with our hypnotherapy service at Feel Heaps Better. Our Rapid Transformational Therapy uses a combination of NLP, CBT, psychotherapy, and the proven techniques of world-renowned therapist Marisa Peer to help you achieve the results you want in just one session. Say goodbye to old habits, and limiting beliefs and unlock your full potential with hypnotherapy. You get: * Half an hour free discovery call in advance of session * 1.5 - 2 hour hypnotherapy session * Audio transformational recording to listen to for 21 days - this is essential to help embed your new beliefs and habits * WhatsApp contact with therapist and calls if required * Motivational Videos to keep you focused * Free follow up session after 21 days You will feel the benefits and transformation straight away, but in full effect within the three weeks.

Cancellation Policy

The link to our terms & conditions and privacy policy were given within the booking form

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