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How Your Position in the Family Shapes You (and Why It’s Not What You Think!)

Rebecca Heap

We often hear how birth order can shape our personalities, but have you ever thought about it from the perspective of how our parents were *showing up* when we entered their lives? This insight from Gabor Maté deeply resonated with me, and it made me reflect on my own journey as a parent.

It’s not just about where we fall in the family line-up but the emotional state our parents were in when we arrived. Our children are sensitive, intuitive beings who absorb the energies we emit, even if we try our best to hide what’s happening inside. I know this firsthand.

When my first son was born, he had the blessing of all our attention but also the challenge of us learning to be parents. My second child shared us with his older sibling and benefitted from our experience, yet navigated a new dynamic. And my youngest…he arrived as our marriage was crumbling, and faced a fractured family life from the start. All three boys experienced the same family environment but at completely different emotional stages in our lives.

Each of them faced unique challenges based on what we, as parents, were going through at that time. It was never intentional, but life’s struggles – a marriage breaking down, single parenting, work pressures – inevitably shaped how I showed up for them. Children can sense so much, and their understanding and emotional maturity at each stage affects how they internalize these experiences.

This is true for all of us. The way our parents showed up, based on where they were emotionally when we came into their lives, significantly impacts us. And often, we carry the shadows of those early experiences into our adult lives.

But here’s the good news: It’s never too late to heal and transform. Whether you’re a parent or not, shedding those past perceptions and beliefs that no longer serve you is essential to your happiness and growth.

For parents, this work is doubly important. By becoming the best versions of ourselves, we not only free ourselves from old patterns but also become the role models our children need to grow into resilient, capable adults. We have the power to clear generational trauma and create a brighter, healthier future for them.

One hypnotherapy session can bring clarity, helping you release those old beliefs and replace them with empowering ones. Six coaching sessions can guide you to master your thoughts, break negative cycles, and craft a roadmap for achieving your goals. Combining both can reconnect you to your inner strengths, enabling rapid transformation.

Imagine this: just six weeks to transform your life and get closer to living the life you’ve always dreamed of. It’s possible. And it’s waiting for you.

So, what do you have to lose? Book a no-obligation consultation call and let’s explore how I can support you with the rapid transformational therapies I use. Because when you heal yourself, you change everything.



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